Tushaar's blog

Simply put, I am a writer.

I have grown brand pages from 0 to 1,000, 0 to 10,000, 0 to 50,000, and one very soon will hit 100,000 followers too.

But, that's vanity metrics. However, this is how this industry works, so to tell you what I have done, I have to put it that way.

As I am growing as a writer, an operator, and a marketer, I am learning that all that matters is Business Impact.

And Business impact can be different for different types of work:

  1. Working on a personal brand for a founder: His website link clicks
  2. Working on a B2B brand page: Potential clients' form fills
  3. Working on a B2C brand page: App downloads

The list is endless.

Having done all of it, I plan to document it all here: